Porcelain tiles, an increasingly developed material


Porcelain stoneware is more and more used, not only for internal and external flooring, but also for coverings. The technical characteristics of this material, in addition to the countless offer of colors, designs, sizes and thicknesses proposed by the manufacturers, make these new porcelains usable for all environments.

Among the main characteristics of porcelain stoneware, we mention the very low water absorption, the ability to withstand freeze and thaw cycles, an high resistance to wear as well as a very high “hardness”.


 Montolit diamond blades range for porcelain tiles


Brevetti Montolit, in addition to the professional MASTERPIUMA tile cutters, produces diamond tools designed ad hoc for cutting, drilling and special processing on porcelain stoneware, guaranteeing maximum performances. Gres… no problem!

The diamond blade “FRECCIA ORO” Art. CGX with DNA technology, is one of our top blade for dry cutting any kind of porcelain tiles.

It is produced in 3 different diameters (100 – 115 and 125 mm).

Thanks to the design with Montolit patented “Hybrid” crown, with a height of 11mm and ultra-thin thickness, this blade is suitable for cutting all types of ceramic or porcelain stoneware with high performance in terms of speed and finishing.

Montolit DNA diamond blade for grinder 



Among our range of professional diamond blades for wetsaws, the art. CX is certainly on of the most appreciated blades.

The revolutionary DNA Sandwich Technology used for this blade, allows the precise positioning of the diamonds following a precise network arrangement. In particular, for this blade, the bigger diamond are positioned as a central layer, while the two external layers are made with finer diamonds. This high technology solution allows the blade to achieve high performances in terms of cutting speed and finishing.

Montolit DNA diamond blade for wetsaw


Dry drilling diamond hole-saws and drill-bits

The development of professional diamond tools was not limited to the cutting process. Brevetti Montolit put its experience for the production of high-tech diamond core-bits, made for dry drilling any type of ceramic, porcelain stoneware, marble or granite tile.

The “MONDRILLO SERIES” art. FS , is made using the controlled spiral diamond deposition technology (Vacuum). This technology allows fast dry drilling properties combined with very low vibrations to the tiles. The result is a hole-saw able to get a very nice and clean finishing even on a tile which is already installed on the wall.

Montolit FS diamond hole-saw for grinder


Remaining in the drilling filed, we studied the Art. FAJ with “Vacuum technology”. It is a drill bit made to make holes in ceramic, porcelain, marble and granite using a common drill. Five different diameters available, from 5 to 12mm.

Montolit FAJ diamond drill-bit 


Special diamond tools and blades, new product development

The continuous evolution of ceramic materials and the needs to provide effective professional tools, pushes technicians to search new innovative solutions able to deal with new needs and difficult materials.

One example is the revolutionary “Lamellar diamond blade” art. FLEXIMONT, available in three diamond grits:


  • Roughing (60)
  • Polishing (120)
  • Finishing and smoothing (200)


These particular blades are designed, studied and produced for smoothing, mitering and bevelling all types of porcelain stoneware, as well as granite, marble, natural stone and glass.

Mounted on any angle grinder can be used both dry and wet.

They guarantee an high removal of the material without vibrations on the tile thanks to the “Soft Touch” technology that allows the operator to “feel” the blade. The soft touch technology also allows to perform smoothing and mitering without scratching or chipping the edge.

Montolit FLEXIMONT lamellar diamond grinding wheel