SAFE DIAMOND BOX – Protective cases for diamond tools

Protective cases for diamond tools, created to professionally protect and store all your tools before and after use.

The different slots allow you to insert, for the SDB model, up to 22 diamond hole-saws and bits, in different diameters from 6 to 120 mm or blades and pads up to 125mm; while the SDB JUNIOR model can hold up to 6 diamond hole-saws and bits in different diameters from 6 to 75 mm.
In the top part there are slots for easy and protected insertion of discs or other diamond tools, there are different spaces for different diameters: from 100mm to 250mm for the SDB model; from 100 to 125mm for the SDB JUNIOR model.

Ergonomic, compact, sturdy, waterproof, durable.
Don’t waste time and improve your work, with professional equipment and electric and manual machines for cutting and drilling stone materials.