Sustainability strategy
Montolit, over the years, has developed a growing attention to the issues of corporate sustainability in its many forms, investing in its structures, in the management of its impacts through a better choice of energy supply, in automation processes in a perspective of continuous innovation and on the culture of its collaborators.
The sustainability strategy is therefore based on the past and present to define future objectives expressed in ESG (Environment, Social Governance) dimensions.
The sustainability reports can be consulted to find out in detail the objectives and results.
Code of Conduct
Since 2024 BREVETTI MONTOLIT SPA is part of the Lifco Group and with this shares the Code of Conduct. In the company everyone is required to respect the guidelines of conduct: board of directors, employees, permanent and temporary collaborators without distinction. Everybody actively participates in the creation of a healthy, responsible and open working environment. As required by the sustainable development goals based on the Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Global Compact, the ILO Principles of Labor Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
To view the entire code of conduct click here